here are codes.write them to ur username box:
indestructab13:start with 3000hp
cashwad:start with 1,000,000cash
bbsspammer:start with 50000posts
toomanyrewiews:start with 5000 rewiews
highiq:have 1000 int.
iloveprivacy:start with flash
takeouttrash:have garbage whistle
dailydominator:all flashes are 1st
pennybainsextoy:lvl 31 icon?!(lol to this icon very funny one)
walkonwater:have deity whistle
shitbomb:all ur flashs u make after tis code become turd of week
deleteallemail:deletes all e-mail automaticly
whitepower:ur flashs cant banned
afro_ninja:have afro ninja desktop
now,shouldn't u thank to me?